Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Too much to do... Sooo little time!

Today is the viewing day of our stuff on K-Bid. I need to get up and get moving.  I need to clean the oven, dishwasher, and fridge....  Clean up downstairs around the washer and dryer.  Clean the bottled water container out.  We have purchased a 'Zero Water' water treatment to take on the road.  (Then we will always have clean drinking water.)  Today is garbage day, so that will need to be addressed (I'm thinking we will need to take a garbage can with us on the trip.) ....  I have also committed to go to a quilt guild tomorrow to show how I make my selvage quilts.  That however will be my play time!  More on that tomorrow.

I made some carrot cake oatmeal for breakfast this morning.  Yummo!  That I found out my picky eater will eat  oatmeal. Yes, to everyone that knows my husband, he will eat oatmeal.  Here is what I did

  • 1/2 C Steel Oats
  • 1 T  Brown Sugar
  • 1 can Coconut milk
  • 1 T Chinese 5 Spice
  • 1 t Vanilla Extract
  • 1 t Almond Extract
  • 2 Carrots finally shredded
  • 2 T milled Chia seeds
  • 1/4 C Walnuts
  • 2 Pkgs GoGo Squeez Apple Cinnamon applesauce
Spray Crock Pot generously with cooking spray!  I put a crockpot liner in mine and spray that also. Everything goes into a 2 Qt Crock Pot and cook overnight.  Wes said it spelled like I was making cookies this morning.  I don't think the photo will do it justice.  I did need to add a little more sweetener to it.  I didn't like the Walnuts, but I only add them due to the picky eater.  

Nope... Photo doesn't look really appetizing...  I'll have to try sprucing it up a little next time before taking the photo.  You can freeze this, or eat it the rest of the week out of the fridge.  I have limited freezer and fridge space, so this should be pretty interesting.

Yes, that is a hard drive in my freezer! And Yes, that is a box of beer taking up the majority of the space in the bottom of my fridge!  I haven't quite moved into my fridge yet.  But, today is the day.

OK... Enough of this for today, I need to get to work.  I hope everyone has a great day!  And if you're bored, you can always drop my place to help clean up!


  1. This stuff your selling, is there a website we can look at??? Are you selling any more fabric related items??? Still love the blog

  2. Hey there She Sews Alot! I don't have a website that shows what I've got for sale. There was a K-Bid auction that ended last night, pickup is on Friday. I still have several books for sale and just a little fabric. E-mail me and I'll send you photo's!

  3. hey I had a dream last night. I dreamt that you updated this blog!!! HELLO!
